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Entertainment News

Stories for Dad: Breese Stevens Field

Stories for Dad: Breese Stevens Field

July 2, 2016 Back in the Fall I sent a message to my Dad about how East and West were playing football at Breese Stevens Field for the first time in 30 years. After Lindsey and I hit the Steve Miller Band concert at Breese Stevens last week I really took a trip down... read more

Sports & Fitness News

Is Cycling Picking Up Speed?

Is Cycling Picking Up Speed?

In the last two weekends I’ve participated in two bicycling events. Ride the Drive and the Polish Moon Ride. Both were “just for fun” and very well attended. However, there were some subtle differences.

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What’s Happening?

Stories for Dad: Water Fights

Stories for Dad: Water Fights

What I remember most about the park though is the water fights. I remember how cool I thought they were. The volunteer fire departments from the area would bring their teams in and compete.

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Technology News

One Month After Hip Surgery

One Month After Hip Surgery

So one month ago today I had surgery on my hip. Actually, I had full hip joint replacement surgery. I’ve shared what I learned, what I would do if I was facing surgery tomorrow and what things I would do differently.

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Tough Mudder Motivation

Tough Mudder Motivational Quote

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