Polish Moon Ride inspires desire to bike Milwaukee

photo of Mariachi Band

Mariachi Band

On Friday night Team Decker/Fjelstad ventured to Milwaukee to participate in the Polish Moon Ride. The ride, organized by the Bike Federation of Wisconsin was a tour through Milwaukee’s old Polish neighborhood. Now, predominantly a Latino neighborhood, the ride was a fantastic experience! Great company, great weather and great music. Yes, great music. Any event with a Mariachi band playing beforehand seems like a solid event to me.

Fun fact: Latinos love Polka music!

So, aside from the shock of Mexican’s loving polka music what did I take away from the ride? Well, there are a lot of cool places in Milwaukee where I’d like to have drinks.

Job #1: The Horny Goat Brewery

Others also enjoyed the evening. If you have time I recommend the short post linked below from former Madison Mayor and current Bike Fed Executive Director, Dave Cieslewicz:

Madison to Milwaukee Trip to the Polish Moon is a Blast

Bike Maps

So what is the next step in biking Milwaukee? Good maps are a “must have” item. If you read Mayor Dave’s post he mentions a lack of signage as he got close to Milwaukee. My solution to dealing with this issue… maps!

We’re planning a Milwaukee ride for some time in August. Stay tuned and I’ll let you know how things go. RIDE ON!