And he wonders why he got booted from Metallica

There was a time while I was watching “Some Kind of Monster” where I actually felt sorry for Dave Mustaine. Here is a brilliant guitarist who has a drinking problem, a toxic attitude and gets kicked out of the greatest heavy metal band of all time. However, when I here that this moron is spouting off the President Obama is behind the killings in Colorado and at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. Why? In theory President Obama is trying to gather up support for a gun ban. Really? Dave Mustaine knows about this? His talent as a guitarist gives him knowledge of stuff like this? What an idiot. What a tool.

Megadeth’s Mustaine: Obama Behind Massacres (courtesy of the Daily Beast)

Good call Dee Snyder

And if Dave Mustaine’s crap wasn’t enough you have Paul “I never met a lie I didn’t want to tell” Ryan using a Twisted Sister song to try to energize his dumbass fan base. Again… what a tool.

Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider Requests Paul Ryan Stop Using “We’re Not Gonna Take It”