Riding into a headwind, big problem

photo of Cold Weather Biker

Cold Weather Biker

The last couple of days have been the first really cold days of the winter. Yesterday didn’t seem bad even though it was -5° according to the bank thermometer. Today was a different story.

Battled a strong headwind almost the entire ride. Anyone who rides or knows me knows that riding into the wind is my kryptonite. It just demoralizes me as I know I should be riding faster, but I’m not. The sun was shining, the temp was up, but the wind was kicking me in the sack the entire way to work.

I did make it in and I did survive the day at work, but I was tired. No caffeine was required as days like today make anger the fuel that powers my ride.  ; )

I did stop to get a picture of myself as I wanted to see just how dorky my new helmet looks. Judging from the picture I’m a full on dorkhead. Nice job Dane… nice job.

Advice for those braving the cold temperatures… dress for how warm your body will be after 5 minutes of riding. Dressing for how cold you are when you first walk out the door is a mistake. You’re going to end up way overdressed and sweating which will eventually make you cold

Thanks for listening and feel free to comment on how cool my helmet is. And if you like it:

Bontrager Rally Helmet